Spices & condiments are good for making meals. Add unique flavors to your meal with our carefully selected spices. According to hopkins medicine , 

  1. Cinnamon is really good for people who have high blood sugar. It lends a sweet taste to food without adding sugar, and studies indicate it can lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
  2. Research suggests that turmeric has a substance called curcumin which  may reduce inflammation in the brain, linked to Alzheimer’s disease and depression. In a small study of adults over 50, those who consumed curcumin supplements over the course of 18 months had improvement in memory test scores. They also reported being in better spirits. Most impressive? Scans of their brain indicated significantly fewer markers associated with cognitive decline.
  3. Research has found that ginger is effective at calming pregnancy-related nausea and reducing tummy upset after surgery.

Order carefully selected spices from Abujafooddeliverymart today.

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